Welcome to Readers and Poets

This is the poetry that comes into my life. Please feel free to comment on anything here. I don't think there is too much beauty in the world nor poetry. I will include some comments myself sometimes and some information on the poets, but the real stars is the work itself.

I am a believer in the reader-response theory of reading which means the reader is the one who puts the meaning in the poem so every interpretation is correct. Even if the poet means one thing, it could mean something else to the reader. I am pretty laid back in interpretation as each of us have other experiences and needs when reading.

I like using Zebrareader because it gives me tremendous freedom in what I want to write.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Langston Hughes

Before the month is gone, the great Langston Hughes.

Daybreak in Alabama

When I get to be a composer
I'm gonna write me some music about
Daybreak in Alabama
And I'm gonna put the purtiest songs in it
Rising out of the ground like a swamp mist
And falling out of heaven like soft dew.
I'm gonna put some tall tall trees in it
And the scent of pine needles
And the smell of red clay after rain
And long red necks
And poppy colored faces
And big brown arms
And the field daisy eyes
Of black and white black white black people
And I'm gonna put white hands
And black hands and brown and yellow hands
And red clay earth hands in it
Touching everybody with kind fingers
And touching each other natural as dew
In that dawn of music when I
Get to be a composer
And write about daybreak
In Alabama.

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