Welcome to Readers and Poets

This is the poetry that comes into my life. Please feel free to comment on anything here. I don't think there is too much beauty in the world nor poetry. I will include some comments myself sometimes and some information on the poets, but the real stars is the work itself.

I am a believer in the reader-response theory of reading which means the reader is the one who puts the meaning in the poem so every interpretation is correct. Even if the poet means one thing, it could mean something else to the reader. I am pretty laid back in interpretation as each of us have other experiences and needs when reading.

I like using Zebrareader because it gives me tremendous freedom in what I want to write.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Geneva Lorrain

She was just a child

She was just a child


looking at the trees and mountains
trying to see her escape
what she should be...

Not there.

Why not?

Not there, my child. Not there.

She saw the hawks floating on wind currents
and looked at them so free.
She looked at their wings
and yearned to fly up into the air...

Not there.

Why not?

Not there, my child. Not there.

She watched the streams flow down,
its clear and crystal breath bubbled
and she looked for her truths within
so she could follow with the silver and golden trouts...

Not there.

Why not?

Not there, my child. Not there.

Mountains turn into deserts
deserts into oceans
youth into old age
life into death

Seek your place in
An alchemy of many worlds
with hymnals of energy that exists within.

That world will never fail you, child, never.

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