Sonnet XCVII: How like a Winter hath my Absence been

In general, I agree with Edgar Allen Poe about the size of poems: " I hold that long poems don't exist." In his essay, "The Poetic Principle", Poe felt readers get excited when reading a great poem but lose interest if the poem was of "any great length." Of course the above sonnet by Shakespeare is required to be 14 lines in order to be a sonnet, but I prefer the shorter poem as a whole.
There are many ways of looking at a particular poem or work of a poet that is valid and in the histo

In college, it seemed to me that looking at a work of literature and poetry was often done through the life of the poet and writer as my memory serves me. It could have been the time I went to school or when the teachers were trained. I don't know. As I said, sometimes this way of looking at a poem or novel or whatever has its advantages and sometimes it does not. I can see in my own life that looking at a novel or even a short story would not be particularly useful. In Shakespeare's life, I would think there would be no advantage at all since so little of his life is known and even the authorship of his plays and sonnets are up to question. (In my mind, this is no longer a question. I am sure Shakespeare is the author and poet of his work.) I have read books and seen programs in which studing the times when the work was written was illuminating.
However, in the case of this particular entry, I chose this particular sonnet because it involves the season, winter. Since coming to an area that has seasons, I have been enjoying them especially after being in a part of the country when I felt partic


I grew up in

When I first lived somewhere during the winter, I was astonished how different ev

In England, it stays lighter in the Spring longer than it does here. I remember it being light in May at 10 pm and someone told me that it was light that long because it was higher in the Northern Hemisphere than we are here in Northern California. (They also don't have trouble with flies and don't have screens which I thought was nifty.)

The poet calls autumn teeming with excess. Usually, I don't think of fall that way. It is a time when things seem to be dying and slowing down although the colors are brilliant and